Late-Summer Re-patterning | Wisdom from Lammas
When we honor ourselves with mind, body and spirit, the change that comes forth is in harmony with the sacred good for all.
It is always occurring. Even when things appear still on the surface, there is always movement just beneath it.
Throughout our life we are initiated by life's experiences and the natural cycles of change. Yet without honoring our life passages and journey, we may find parts of ourselves stuck in the past or yearning for what the future may bring, while unsure of how to get there.
When we don't allow ourselves to slow down and energetically ground into the power of the present, we may feel disconnected from our relationship with life and our ability to co-create change.
We celebrate Lammas as we move from late Summer toward Fall. We celebrate the turning of the season with our first harvest, the fruits of our labor...the fruition of what we've been working in our life.
Lammas offers us a portal to embody our personal harvest. We may have created something new this year, or maybe we have opened up to a new level of consciousness and insight into ourselves.
As we honor these gifts, they get anchored and fully integrated into our life,and energetically It allows us to tap into our power to re-pattern ourselves.
As we embody the light and wisdom of all we've worked for and lived through, we feel more capable to release old energy cords, attachments and addictions that are depleting and diminishing to our spirit. Slowing down to allow the light of your spirit to fully plug into your body will support the development of new boundaries.
Change happens regardless. Growth is good....a vital part of the ebb and flow we experience in our lives.
Fair warning: As we re-pattern ourselves and set new boundaries, this change can feel hard for others.
Yet when we honor ourselves with mind, body and spirit, the change that comes forth is in harmony with the sacred good for all.