Summer Solstice as a Post-Pandemic Porthole

As we open to Summer Solstice this season, our sunny state of California has officially "opened" back up after the global pandemic.

While it is wonderful to be stepping back into it all, there is a bit of reluctance ....there is also a backlog of energy that is wanting to get transmuted from all that we have experienced and endured over the past year.

"Endure" is a word that holds a constricted energy...a sense of tolerating, putting up also denotes the energy of "managing" something, while being stretched to our limits.

Yet the word "endurance" reflects a more positive quality, it is a measure of our personal strength.

This Solstice offers us a porthole for allowing all that we endured to be integrated into our endurance. This is an important threshold that determines whether our enduring experience(s) will stay stuck as trauma in our being or integrate into our personal power, our resilience. This threshold also represents a conscious, creative shift, an opening that allows for the transformation you are seeking in your life.

This time of the pandamic was a rite of passage for us all. Many of us are still walking through this ring of fire, discovering who we are now as we step into the light. What we've endured has taught us all unique lessons about what we want, what we need, what we don't want and what we can no longer tolerate. This is coming up in our society though the unearthing of systemic racism, social and ecological injustice, all that we can no longer endure.

On a personal level, as we integrate and digest all these life teachings we experienced, we then get to own our endurance as our post traumatic growth, personal strength, and wisdom stories.

What do you need to step through the threshold?

I invite you to take time this Solstice to celebrate the light that you are stepping into.

Allow yourself to get clear about what you need to create positive change and the transformational shift that life is calling you through.

Let yourself receive and rejoice in what you need to cross the threshold and transmute painful stories into your power.

Denise Arline